Tuesday, 10 March 2015

1st week (well, 8 days) report of emergency department whiteboard

1229 admissions have passed through the whiteboard – that was made up of a bit over 950 different patients.  One patient came through ED 9 different times.

We have had 3460 updates via the whiteboard (i.e. people entering/changing data through the whiteboard) including 40 via Concerto

The most commonly used specialties are Medical (98), then Surgical (57) then Orthopedic (38).
The most commonly used labs/tests are OBS (500!), then BLD (416) then IV (409).

The dataload has run over 3000 times so far.
3 identified bugs L (not counting requests to be added to the WebPAS nurse or doctor list or issues related to the backups)
When was Kelvin the most super stressed: 10:23pm on go-live day when the backups were grinding everything to a halt
When was Kelvin the most super relieved: 10:34pm on go-live day when the backups completed and everything started working again

Code statistics:

Code first checked in on 09/12/2013 13:21

4303 lines of .net code written
Around 3000 lines of javascript code
66 automated unit tests

360 code check-ins in total, including this one:

And also this one