Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Scheduling a service to stop and start

I lol at the vendor windows service that dies but appears to still be running from the services window.

  1. Create a stupid bat file to stop the task with the contents of
    NET STOP "ServiceNameGoesHere"
  2. Create a stupid bat file to start the task with the contents of
    NET START "ServiceNameGoesHere"
  3. Create a scheduled task to run the first bat.
  4. Create a scheduled task to run the second bat a few minutes later.
  5. Does this really need a post, am I really going to forget this? Probably.
  • Use a domain user to run the tasks because it just doesn't want to work otherwise
  • Make sure the user has the log on as batch thing (
  • The dudes on the internet reckon you might need to make the user an admin (I didn't)
  • The dudes on the internet reckon you might need to explicitly give the user Full Access to the folder and .bat even if they are an admin (I didn't)

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Landing pages for the patient administration system:

CSC, we love you too.