Prepare yourself for basic facts:
- two day conference for around $1000, couple of (optional) days of workshops beforehand for additional $$
- heavily design focused - this is not a technical conference. You get the good stuff like motivation, inspiration and entertainment, but you prob won't learn new skills or hear about new technology.
- single stream, so no hard decisions for you over what to see.
- there is free ice cream.
- occasionally there is free beer, but it is too hard to get because the line is ridiculous. But it's craft beer anyway, so don't be too upset.
Some of the presentations I particularly liked were:
- Tom Loosemore talking about UK govs digital plans - trashing a whole lot of existing stuff that isn't working, getting a good work culture, a team that has the power to change things, making products that people want.
- Dan Saffer - microinteractions. Little basic things that applications do, how they can impact the user experience & be memorable or disastrous.
- Charlie Todd - Improv everywhere. The stuff these dudes do is pretty funny so this was very entertaining.
- Sha Hwang - When it's out just go watch it.
There are some photos here:
My rating, I give this conference 5 custom fonts out of a possible 5 custom fonts.
I sure do like bullet points.